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Adjusting to Hearing Aids: A Smooth Transition Guide

Adapting to the newfound sounds restored by hearing aids after experiencing prolonged hearing loss can be a gradual process. When your ears regain access to sounds, it might initially be overwhelming for your brain, which has become accustomed to a filtered perception due to hearing loss.

The positive news is that the brain can swiftly readjust, typically taking less than a month for most individuals to acclimate to hearing aids. Here are five strategies to facilitate a seamless transition:

  1. Ensure a Proper Fit

  2. Allow for an Adjustment Period

  3. Consult Your Audiologist

  4. Try Auditory Rehabilitation

  5. Have Realistic Expectations

Understanding Your Hearing Aid's Performance Active participation in the adjustment process involves both discussions with your audiologist and personal research. Recognize that hearing involves a complex interplay between the brain, ears, and other senses. With practice, time, and patience, the adjustment to hearing aids becomes more natural, allowing you to hear better without constant awareness of your hearing.

If you need help getting used to your hearing aids, please contact to connect you with a remote or local care provider.

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